An Unmatched Approach : How a Tailored Approach Helped Laurel Get Out of Pain, and Stay Out of Pain!
Laurel came to CMS with a variety of serious pains in both her upper & lower body. What started as a single pain at her right side glute a few years ago had multiplied across her body.
A Unique Solution: How Kirk Returned to Exercise Without Fear of Re-injury
Kirk came to CMS many years ago because he was experiencing left hip pain that had become progressively worse over many months. He was otherwise healthy and had always enjoyed exercise, especially lifting weights; however, he knew something was really wrong, as he was struggling to move around during his daily life, not just during his workouts.
No More Knee Pain: How Kinesiology Helped Stacy Return to Tennis & Pain-Free Movement
Stacy came to Corrective Muscle Solutions having struggled for over a year with persistent left knee pain that radiated both up and down her leg. The MRI showed fissures in the cartilage, a title off the axis of the patella, degeneration of medial meniscus and complex tear of the lateral meniscus.
Restricted to Restored: How David Overcame Hip Pain Through Movement Science
David came to Corrective Muscle Solutions after his son had already experienced great results working with Scott. David had been dealing with a hip impingement causing him a lot of pain & stiffness.